How to get motivated?
I´m sure you´ve made yourself this question.
Me too.
How to get motivated to workout?
How to get motivated for weight loss?
...Or how to get motivated to workout?
Because motivated you would achieve anything in life.
Isn´t it true?

How To Get Motivated
Well, it turns out, you can dramatically get motivated by following these simple tips…
But first know this.
There is a lot of motivation theory out there.
But I´ll show you the 10 best ways to get motivated…
Simply choose the one method that fits you better!
This guide also includes lots of:
- Real-life examples to know how to get motivated
- Easy to follow motivation exercises
- Advanced strategies to get motivated
- How to get motivated to work in your big dream
- And lots, lots more...
So if you want to have GREAT results in your work and personal performance you´ll love this COMPLETE GUIDE.
And no, you don´t need a motivational speech, nor motivational words...
It´s much easier than that!
Let´s jump.
So if you want to know how to get motivated you’ll love today’s guide.
Let’s start!
1. How To Get Motivated To Workout
So let’s dive right in.
One of the most important motivations you will need is the one that leads to exercise.
And here is the solution.
Make it easy.
Don’t think about it, just put your workout clothes on.
You’re not going to beat a record. Simply put on your training clothes and walk some miles. Believe me, after some days doing it, you will NEED your training sessions.
Your motivation will be indeed going out and taking a walk or a run instead of staying on the sofa.
And another thing that will keep you motivated to work out.
Keep a journal.
Simply write it on your calendar. Very easy. Simply put a mark on the days you work out. Easy, easy, easy.
It will be a real pleasure seeing the days you worked out in your calendar. This is the real motivation.
And in case you need a final push, work out in group.
Speak with friends and work colleagues. "Who else wants to also exercise?"
If you ask yourself how to get motivated for workout, think there’s a lot of people with the same problem as you. And nothing like a common goal to make friends.
So find friends that also want to do exercise. Someone to run in the park. So the days you feel low, they would push you.
And vice versa.
In case you don’t find friends because you´re new in town, hear music while you workout. IT WILL BE LIKE A MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO. But with the benefits of doing exercise.
You will love hearing again and again your favorite songs. When I had to move to a new city some years ago and I didn’t know anybody there in the first weeks, this helped me a lot to exercise. It was my personal motivation gym trick.
So how to get motivation to work out? Make it simple.
- Put your clothes on and work.
- Keep a journal.
- Find a group of people that also want to work out.
2. How To Get Motivated To Lose Weight (The "Minimalistic Solution")
How to get motivated to lose weight?
First establish a big WHY.
This will make everything so much easy!
Most people overeat not because they lack willpower, but because they don’t have a clear goal in mind.
So when it comes to stop eating, they sabotage themselves.
So how to lose weight... without costly and useless clinic seasons?
You will solve this problem simply using the BIT-BY-BIT METHOD. It’s incredibly easy. And cheap.
The secret to losing weight is simply eating always a little bit less.
Always letting some food on your plate.
It can be so ridiculous as leaving a Pomme Frite. Feel the anxiety to eat more. But you will overcome it since it’s only one Pomme Frite.
A week later it will be two…
Then it will be three…
Then one day you will eat half an apple…
Then you will add a little bit of another healthy food….
Always BIT-BY-BIT.
It´s the best way to achieve self-discipline.
Don’t compare to other´s big plans. They will surrender, believe me.
Focus every day on small goals that form part of a bigger goal. The key is attainable goals. You don’t even need a plan, simply feeling a little prick of hunger every day.
As easy as that. No plans. No big moves. Not expensive treatments.
That way you can even have a kitchen full of delicious food and resist.
This is the secret to get motivation to lose weight fast. Because you will see fast results. You will see it’s possible.
MAKE IT A GAME. Leave always a little bit more on your plate. And then try to beat your own record. This will also increase your happiness.
Combine it also with your big WHY, and you will have a perfect method to lose weight without courses, books, and expensive coaches. But the key, don’t forget it, is doing every day a little BIT.
So how to get motivated for weight-loss?
Bit by bit.
And when you look at yourself in the mirror…
3. How To Get Motivated For Life
it’s again the same strategy.
Go step by step.
Don’t try to make big changes.
There are a lot of motivational videos. Also tons of motivational songs... Ok, take advantage of them.
But there are also a lot of gurus out there speaking about motivation. But what they want is to inject you a psychological drug where you feel in a high, so that you get addicted to that sensation…
And return to them and buy a more expensive product!
But then, back at home, alone at your desk, you again feel demotivated. Yet you will return later… spending more money to receive your dose of motivation.
So go the other way round.
Get results without help. And therefore pursue every day a small goal. Your weapon will be FOCUSED CHUNKS OF TIME. Every day!
Slowly but surely.
You can´t imagine where you will be in some months if you every day make a little move toward your big goal.
Because you don’t need big moves to achieve your dream. You only need perseverance. So avoid the shiny strategies you see. They don’t work.
If you ask yourself how to get motivated to be happy, the only way is tiny accumulated efforts. In other words: NOT SURRENDERING.
There’s nothing shiny in this strategy. Simply work daily a little bit on your big project, and you will progress a lot. First is beginning.
And so you will eliminate overwhelm.
And many days you will continue and take big steps. Great moments will come!
But never forget the daily mini-step.
Inspiration sounds fantastic. The ambitious morning routine where you will accomplish a lot of things looks great. But your life has ups and downs. And in a down, you can abandon your big plan. So better do less but with continuity.
I’ve finished complete books so, believe me.
So from now on focus on small goals, not on big ones.
Work every day in your BIG PROJECT, even only some minutes. And therefore divide your big goal into ridiculously small ones, like when you asked yourself how to get motivated to work out and lose weight.
Also be prepared to be attacked by the world with interruptions and temptations. Yet you will continue disciplined. Since you pursue a little goal it won’t be a problem.
Think also that most of your days will be grey, but if you are smart and accomplish every grey day some little subgoal, the day will turn bright. And of course, in the medium term very good things will happen.
And one last piece of advice to get your motivation for life…
Maybe you are a morning person (like most people). So focus on your key subgoal in the morning. Choose your 2 best hours for focused work early and fully concentrate on your main project.
Do this every day clock in hand! So you will achieve incredible things.
Never wait for the hero moment.
The key is little steps to build slowly something big. And your weapon is 2 hours of focused work every morning for your most important LONG-TERM project. The one that will give you the biggest money in the long term, in case you doubt.
Use motivation when you are motivated, of course, you would be a fool otherwise, but your strategy will be little steps. Every day.
Think on your past, how many procrastinated projects because you always thought of "I'm going to be motivated one day and do this and that… ?”
But this will change now with your step-by-step mindset.
So remember, the key to feeling superb in your life the key is dividing your big goals into small ones.
You will achieve anything so.
4. Motivation For Work (As Everybody Understands It) Is A Trap
Most people think about divine inspiration when they ask themselves how to get motivated for work or learn a skill.
They always wait for -what a nice word- inspiration.
But so they fail.
Because they will always have some problem to solve, or too recently divorced to rely on motivation.
The problem with motivation is that it doesn't appear when you want. We think we will be motivated in the future. “Great times will come!"
But realize you won't be always motivated.
And there´s another factor you must know. You make your big plans the moments you feel inspired.
And at those moments you also say “Why not gigantic goals instead of big goals?”
Get results without help. And therefore pursue every day a small goal. Your weapon will be FOCUSED CHUNKS OF TIME. Every day!
And the crash will be much harder.
Don’t misunderstand me. You need goals. But at the same time realize that motivation comes and goes. Sorry, but you won’t be always motivated. Observe yourself. There are moments where you feel motivated but then, even that same day, you have a low moment.
So you must get accustomed to work on low profile.
The key is realizing that motivation comes and goes. There will be always good and bad moments… your mood even fluctuates during an hour! Observe yourself today, you had a bright moment after your breakfast and then you turned sad because something happened at work.
And then up again.
And then down after some email.
And then up after a coffee break.
So how do you finish big projects that seem only possible during a high?
Here´s the deal…
Think that after planning the big future, after your big idea, Monday 6 o'clock will come and you won't be motivated. You know what I'm speaking about.
Okay, but also realize that you will continue despite not being inspired. That’s the way to achieve big things.
Real life is not like in the movies. The hero won’t win the battle in a flashy strike. Motivation won’t come and you will do a lot of things. No. Motivation will come and disappear. So be smarter not waiting for a movie moment to do big things, despite it´s what most people do.
Life is a LONG RUN. Don’t sprint.
So know that you won’t be always at a peak. Accept that your levels of willpower will go up and down. There’s also social media, news, and friends, that will interrupt you. They will make everything possible so that you don't focus on your important project.
So accept that even in the motivated moment of the day, you will be attacked.
- There are fast food restaurants spreading the smell of Croissants to break your diet...
- There are shops that are permanently redesigned so that you buy impulsively…
Everything is designed to weaken your self-control and sell you something.
But simply repeat yourself: "I will be self-disciplined." And at the same time, expect that temptation will attack you in the least expected moment.
So first step is accepting that your environment is designed so that you are as unproductive, as most people are. Don’t make motivation your religion. It’s a fool´s strategy. One day a great moment will come, how nice! But time passes too fast, don’t do this.
So your weapon against the highs and lows, will be, like the strategy to have motivation for workout and motivation to lose weight: dividing your big project into little goals easy to accomplish.
To be productive and finish projects you need short attainable goals that form part of bigger goals.
- For example, isolate every day two hours to write your book.
- Or isolate every day one hour to market your products.
- Or isolate 30 daily minutes to exercise.
Little attainable goals.
But never rely on motivation.
You won’t quit watching TV at once. You won't get rich finishing one big project day. When you begin exercising you won't become a top athlete. If you want to overcome adversity forever never rely on motivation.
Yet the good news is that in small chunks, you will achieve it. You will go very far so.
5. Everything is prepared so that you retire depending on others
This one is hard.
But you must know something about your future that will affect your motivation long-term.
Do you know why you failed in many projects?
Because the world is designed so that you retire depending on others.
Despite the nice stories you see in the media real life isn’t so. Except if you make something against it. And the first step is knowing that the world is prepared so that you fail.
Because look…
There are a lot of subtle things that will try to seduce you so that you don´t do anything.
There are a lot of ´take a break´ and ´you deserve more free time´ so that you underproduce.
The TV ads are prepared so that you under produce. Everything is prepared so that you don't think and work for others.
But so you won’t have enough money when you retire.
Not to mention you will always continue working for others. Even if they aren’t less talented and you.
So if you under produce you will end up as a slave of the state and your social circle. Sorry my friend, but this isn’t an ice future. Or is this really what you want?
Better recognize this trap now. Because there are political parties, trade unions, and even friends, who will say you deserve this and that for nothing. Take care!
The only thing they want is that you don't become a super producer so you don’t get better than them.
I told you it was going to be hard…
The root of all is envy. It’s everywhere. Call me pessimistic, but it’s better that you know the truth.
Many people don't want you to earn more and live better. There is even is a billionaire industry of advertisement telling you fairy tales about how great your life will be if you buy their product. The movie industry shows you how a loser ends up having luck. It doesn’t have sense!
Well, the movies don’t tell the truth but because this industry needs losers to buy their product and watch their movies.
I´ve nothing against advertisement and movies, I use advertisement a lot. But take care of what kind of advertisement you watch. And mostly it´s hidden advertisement in form of latest news that will keep you engaged to the TV day after day thinking that the government will save you.
But the government only will try to kidnap your attention so that you don't think.
So be smart and ask yourself: "Why am I following this? It's always the same news!"
A lot of people will try to seduce you saying you deserve this and that. So you think: "Today I'm going to take that extra eating, that extra drink..."
Success is predictable: you won’t have a better situation if you don't produce more.
If you don’t produce more you will be a slave. You'll be a slave of your boss, your company, and even your friends. You will simply follow what others do. And without the money.
So first note that the world is to prepare so that you fail. You can succeed, of course, but once know this trap.
6. A Cheatsheet To Think Like Einstein
Many people want a powerful mind. They want to know a lot of things and so be motivated.
But they don´t know how to do it.
Here is the solution...
You need 2 things.
It's never about THE ONE thing. It's always 2 forces:
I'm sure you've heard it a thousand of times.
The first key is going out of your comfort zone.
And yes, you have to be uncomfortable to produce more and to be more disciplined. To achieve big goals you must learn to work hard during a limited period of time.
And it’s possible.
Ok, as I said, nothing new…
But now something that 95% of people forget.
The second ingredient is overlooked: you have to think in solitude.
You have to think more by yourself. It sounds obvious, but most people don't think.
Many persons even work hard. And they have also good ethics. But they go nowhere because they don't plan.
So they lose tons of opportunities of doing things faster.
There is a tendency -especially in our occidental culture- to think always in terms of ONE big thing. The great solution. The secret…
But no. Life is always a balance between two things.
And the same goes for succeeding. So when you hear about great strategies like getting focused on big projects, saving time here and there, or doing this and that, something is missing.
Because you need always 2 opposite things to be successful. Acting is one. If you act you will go very far.
But you could go much further.
And therefore you must practice the second skill, the great ignored:
So how to get motivated to think in solitude. It´s easy.
Simply sit alone in a chair and do NOTHING.
Ideas will appear.
Yet most people can´t be alone thinking 30 minutes sitting on a chair or lying on his bed. They simply can't. Their mind gets lost in stupid thoughts. Or they feel they are losing time...
But thinking and planning more is key. First because thinking more will give you peace of mind. And second, because you will waste too much time in the future if you don't think enough. You will work too hard for very little results.
Confucius said it thousands of years ago: "A man who doesn't think, will find trouble." That’s why the key to success is thinking more. The Chinese millenarian culture knows it well. It’s always a balance, the Yin and Yang.
Acting and thinking in this case.
But we are too focused on acting. Even hard-working people work too much and think too little.
We think that if we act we deserve a prize.
But don't fool yourself.
If you think more you would save a lot of unintelligent unnecessary work. You would also avoid many costly mistakes.
The TV ads are prepared so that you under produce. Everything is prepared so that you don't think and work for others.
Therefore design your new motivated mind in a Yin and Yang way. Don't get seduced by the latest productivity technique. You need to leverage your current productivity.
And the easiest way is to leverage your outcome by thinking.
Life is a balance. Whether we like it or not it’s not about one simply great solution.
So don't miss the leverage factor of thinking, because without thinking you will work 10 times more.
What do you prefer?
Most books, good books indeed, speak about how to produce more. But they don't speak about thinking more…
Yet the few persons that practice thinking, the ones that isolate time every day to think 60 minutes, know that one hour of thinking equals 10 hours of work. There you have the proof.
But let’s think that the relation 1 to 10 would be too much. (It isn’t). But l if you think et’s imagine a relation 1 to 3; one hour of thinking time will save you 3 of hard work. It’s at least half of your working day! And many times it will save you 5 or 6 hours. So you will always win. It’s the best investment you can make.
So from now on, add thinking time to your schedule!
I don't know what you do for a living…
I don't know if you are a morning worker or you feel better in the evening…
I don’t know if you work from a desk…
Or traveling as a salesman…
I don’t know if you’re a writer, an architect, or drive ambulances…
But in any case, and I remark any, thinking will save you many hours. In the long run, it will be days, months, and even years of hard work.
I know you have a lot of things to do.
I know you have to take your car to repair…
You have to read memorandums…
You have to exercise…
You have to take the children to school…
You have to eat…
You have meetings to attend…
But isolate one daily hour to think.
Believe me, after this you won’t have to take your car to reparation, or read memorandums, or even go to meetings. Because you will plan so that bad things won’t happen. (Like the meetings).
And better, you will focus on your important project. I know it from experience. One daily hour of thinking time will save you more than 10 hours of work.
You can be a master of concentrated work. But even then, and especially then, add thinking time to your scheduling.
Or introduce it into your focused work hours.
You can divide part of your focused time into acting and thinking. It's the best thing you can. And remember: how to get motivated to think in solitude?
Simply sitting on a chair or lying on the floor staring at the infinite and thinking, even with people looking at you as if you were crazy.
But do so and you´ll program your subconscious mind. And it will work FREE for you! Without knowing it you´ll to the precise moves and take the exact decisions that will accelerate your success.
It’s not relaxation. It’s not meditation. Both are good, but you need time to think actively. It’s your best investment. And people will have to respect your thinking time. Your life is at play.
So your first thinking minutes today will be planning with your calendar how you can add 30 minutes to 1 hour of daily thinking. Thinking on how to think.
And then how to enlarge it to 1 hour.
And when you plan, think as long-term as you can. Planning your moves for the next day is good...
But planning your moves for one week is better...
And for one month much better…
But try one year…
And then try 10 years...
And then 100 years...
And then plan 200 years ahead even if you won’t be alive anymore. What legacy will you leave? And how should others continue your legacy?
It’s what Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of Panasonic, did. And thanks to planning he built a corporation that today continues growing after his death.
So think in terms of Yin and Yang. You need always two counterparts. The Yin for productivity. And the Yang for thinking. Action and sitting calmly.
So always face the discomfort of action, but also plan more. If you combine these two things what you can achieve is limitless in your MOTIVATION and your results.
Rest in reason and move in passion.
So do you a favor and today isolate time to thinking. Even if sitting on a chair as if you did nothing looks crazy.
Because you are doing a lot. It's thinking about your future with the facts you have of your past. This will give you tremendous results!
Thinking combined with acting will boost your life.
7. How To Get Motivated With Good Habits
Do you want good habits?
Good habits will motivate you incredibly.
Yet if you want to succeed you need good habits. Or better said, if you want to succeed you need a dream…
But the raw material of your dream is good habits.
But be smart, don’t focus only on one or two good habits. Build a FORTRESS OF HABITS. It's about many habits.
You need as many good habits as you can.
I know, it sounds like bad news.
You thought a good habit was enough. But no, you need a collection of habits. We tend to think that it’s always the ONE thing. Yet be smarter and focus on many habits. Otherwise one bad habit will sabotate another good habit.
Otherwise take a look at famous or rich people. You will see a lot of things they lack. They aren’t as happy as you think.
“He is a very rich person but has very bad health!” You’ve heard many times.
But why do you want to be rich if can die from a heart attack? Why do you want to be rich if you hate your job?
Others are world-famous but take drugs. They need drugs to reach a mental height.
But how to get motivated with bad habits? So their habits are killing them, despite money and fame.
So it's not a question of a good career, money, or contacts. It's about building a fortress of habits.
One good example is the story of the French writer Balzac. He was one of the best writers in history. Balzac finished 95 novels and left 48 unfinished. They were part of his masterwork "La Comedie Humaine."
But then Balzac died at 51 years. Why?
Because he drank 50 cups of coffee per day. So Balzac had good productive habits, he followed his passion, he also had good time management, but one bad habit killed him: drinking too much coffee to feel inspired.
So how to get motivated with good habits? Building a FORTRESS of HABITS to not depend on your weakest one.
So if you want to reach your goals and live enough to be happy, you must build a fortress.
Think about it, perhaps now your short-term goal is having more followers on Instagram, finishing more projects, stop gossipping about others… or quitting your suicidal thoughts.
Yet in any case, you need more and better habits!
Like I said, that’s the bad news: you need more good habits.
But now the good news:
And the good news is that you only need to build one big habit, because from there the rest will be easy. You will build a fortress in record time.
For example, if you eliminate sugar from your coffee, it's a good habit, but not a big one. Do it, but it won’t build new good habits.
But take for example the new habit of going swimming 3 times per week. It's a big habit. You will have to exercise a lot.
You rearrange your time table...
You will plan better to have more time to go swimming...
You will need to be more disciplined and don’t quit...
So thanks to this habit you will create new habits!
You will need it! You will eat more vegetables and fewer hamburgers.
And then you will feel better...
And if you feel better, you will feel happier...
And if you feel happier you will have better relations...
And if you have better relations you will have more contacts...
And so on and so on…
And of course: eliminating sugar from coffee will be easy.
So here are the good news: begin simply with a big good habit.
So tomorrow find a good habit, like going swimming and after this you will build a fortress of habits and achieve whatever you want. From there you can climb Mount Everest, quit smoking, live 100 years, or hear 30 audiobooks per month!
So take a big habit, practice it for one month, and you will build your FORTRESS of habits. Your self-growth will be unstoppable son.
8. Look Long-Term Like Worlds´ Best Strategist
We think that geniuses are motivated. Very motivated.
They created great companies totally inspired…
How to get motivated like Leonardo da Vinci?
He painted so inspiredly…
What a genius Leonardo da Vinci! Always painting great masterpieces thanks to inspiration!
No failures.
No doubts.
Everything effortless.
But Leonardo Da Vinci wasn’t always motivated. Geniuses knew that motivation wasn't a thing to rely on. Inspiration wasn't the key.
It was continuing despite adversity.
So do like the geniuses. Expect low moments. Accept there will come ups and downs, even on your best days. Live with it. It’s nothing bad.
Even in your focused time of work, you will have temptations: "I want to go up and make a pause…"
Yet continue. Self-discipline is your best friend.
Because remember, simply dividing big goals into small goals and focusing every day 3 hours on them will multiply your productivity.
But never wait for motivation. It’s a trap.
We are programmed to think short term. It comes from about 50,000 years ago where we had to hunt to survive. The only worry then was having something to eat. Short-term. We couldn't wait for later. We hadn’t a refrigerator.
So, for thousands of years, everything was short term. We also had to enjoy everything at the moment because after an hour we could get killed. No food in the refrigerator. And of course, no retirement accounts.
But things have changed.
Today it’s the planners who succeed. So better think long term. Try it. At first it's hard to sit and think. You think you have some urgency to solve... But keep thinking and planning, avoid the temptation of doing something else.
You will see a lot of things you can do if you plan right. That way you will save tons of hours of doing unnecessary things.
Don’t procrastinate your time to sit and think. Plan for the long term today. And don’t think one week ahead. Not one month. Nor one year. Look 10 years ahead. And 20 will be much better.
Think long term like the geniuses.
9. How To Have Infinite Power
People misunderstand self-discipline. When they think of self-discipline they see a screaming sergeant. It has some bad connotations.
So if you want to know how to get motivated forever here´s the answer:
Self-discipline is the best habit you can develop.
With self-discipline you won’t only feel good after the hard work, but also at the moment. You get into a trance of finding yourself. You see you can! Priceless. The real motivation.
Sometimes results will come later, perhaps in two days, but self-discipline is also worth it. For example, the results of working more focused or ending a little bit hungry after your meals will come in two days, when you begin to feel superb.
In some projects, results may also delay. But most times you will see results immediately. For example, after working on your biggest project, you will feel more self-confident at the moment, and after eating less your brain will run faster at the moment.
So from now on embrace difficult situations.
Embrace discipline...
Embrace the hard work...
Embrace the difficult negotiation…
Embrace being hungry a little bit…
Embrace the silence that comes after saying the hard truth to someone…
You will see it gets easier and easier. Self-discipline is your best friend. When asking yourself how to get motivated, self-discipline is your best friend.
10. ONE LAST TIP: The Zen of Reading
Finally a very short tip on how to get motivated.
It works like crazy.
Something you never expected.
Reading won’t only serve you in your career and your personal life. Simply the act of reading will be enjoyable.
I can’t believe people who say “I don’t like reading”. If they would try to read they would be happier. No doubt.
Reading is succeeding. Yet the average frustrated person claims he hasn’t got time to read. But with a passion in mind, you will search for information so desperately that you will find the time.
Perhaps you don’t want to be a CEO, but what you read will boost any career you want.
Come on… Do the numbers!
Not only will you no more to earn more(much, much more), you will also be happier. The stories you read, the advice… The best you can do to get motivated.
There you have it, 10 tips to get motivated. Many of them you didn’t expect.
Perhaps only one of them will completely change your life.
Here they are:
1. The Tip To Get Motivated To Workout
2. The Tip To Get Motivated To Lose Weight (The "Minimalistic Solution")
3. The Tip To Get Motivated For Life
4. Knowing That Motivation For Work (As Everybody Understands It) Is A Trap
5. Knowing That Everything is prepared so that you retire depending on others
6. The Cheatsheet To Think Like Einstein
7. How To Get Motivated With Good Habits
8. Looking Long-Term Like Worlds´ Best Strategist
9. How To Have Infinite Power
10. The Last TiP: The Zen of Reading
Whether it’s reading, or thinking more... anyone will make you courageous and change your life. Which do you prefer?
Yet in any case never forget this: step by step you´ll achieve anything.
Leave me a comment about the method you like most. Thanks!