Do you want to know how to become a genius?

It´s possible.

You can become a genius.

Even if you failed and now struggle to survive.

Now you think you can´t because “geniuses are born.”

But no.

How to become a genius

You have it all to become a genius. Because...
Your brain has billions of cells. Do you know how many brilliant ideas you could have combining those cells?

 Your brain has billions of cells

And it gets better.

If every connection between them is a thought, the solutions you could produce would overshadow any universal genius.

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So you have the potential.

How to become a genius overnight?

Sorry, but that´s impossible.

You need time.

But you can achieve it in the medium-long term.

Even when they say the contrary.

So long as you have a brain you can achieve any goal.

Many clinical cases reflect 

how people who lost part of their brain

continue acting well, some of them extremely well.

So how to benefit from your unlimited possibilities then?

Perhaps you are asking yourself...

How to become a genius student?

How to become a genius in math?

How to become a creative genius?

How to become a computer genius?

How to become a genius like Einstein?

How to become a genius in all subjects?

How to become a genius fast?

Here are 5 keys that will answer the question to how to become a genius (no matter the situation you are now):



First Is Believing

First Step: Believe you can

Believe you can… because you can.

Your mind will give you the life you want. You will overcome any challenge, get rich or be happier.

  • You can get skilled.
  • You can be a world leader.
  • You can be insanely intelligent.

You can get whatever you want.

With your billions of cells you have no limits. You can resolve problems, achieve big goals or make scientific discoveries… your brain will give you everything.

The only obstacle to how to become a genius is your limiting belief.

But it´s proven that you can achieve what you want. How many good ideas did you have in your life?

So if you had one you can have more!

If you have one idea you can have many more

You only must repeat the process. You have the potential.

But you must want it.

It´s the essential condition.

So don´t let the daily bombardment of “Don´t think,” “It´s others guilt,” or “Relax because you deserved it,” affect you.

You are a genius. First know you have no limits.

Once you convince yourself that your mind has the same cells as Einstein, you will do the connections. Ideas will come.

You will develop a sixth sense to see opportunities where others don´t. And so you will achieve objectives fast. More friends, more finished projects, more money, or more of what you choose...

But remember the key: thinking you can. Instead of asking yourself how to become a genius, think you already canThat way you´ll stop sabotaging yourself.

Because the cells are there. You only have to make the connections. Your brain can give you anything, but you must desire it strongly.

So get excited about your new future to activate those billions of cells.

If you try, also your subconscious and superconscious mind will work for you. New connections even while you sleep.

And the next day you will make “lucky” moves.

So pursue big dreams. Pursue them only to see you can.

And in the way, you will discover greater benefits than your initial goal.

The Trick to Get It All

First answer this question.

Do you struggle at work without results?

The other day I had the day… you know… one of those days…

I starved due to an interrupted breakfast full of telephone calls… then fires to extinguish… and more urgencies…

Nothing went right. Nothing!

The car didn´t start because of low battery. Then the mobile phone broke in the middle of a vital call. And two urgencies with the two biggest clients that couldn´t wait…

But then I thought about ups and downs. They come also in successful times.

They are inevitable.

You have a good day… but the next is absolute stress.

And the next is worse.

But suddenly, the fourth day thanks to persevering you accomplish something great. And you are stronger after overcoming that previous day.

And a glorious week arrives. A big project finished, more money coming in, and that feeling of people subtly noticing you are the leader.

So please…

Always stand up!

Geniuses are geniuses because when they fall they stand up.

So if you suffer 1.000 setbacks stand up 1.000 times.

Imagine you are having a difficult week. Nothing worked?

Don´t give up.

These videos will help you to never surrender:

(If you need more self-discipline click here.)

Never let the day eat you.

Continue doing it the best you can, even if you don´t see results.

Believe me: the money or whatever you search will come.

Desire it strongly to make your brain connections

It´s a universal law, the good you do will return. And increased.

So do it the best you can. Be excellent whatever happens.

Because it´s for you.

Fight for your career, your business, and your personal life. Be the best.

Set first attainable objectives. All geniuses begin small.

And then set more difficult goals. Your new inertia will achieve them. And setbacks will be only... setbacks.

If you follow only one advice in your life it should be this: never give up.

“Never, never, never give up,” as Winston Churchill said. And he knew something about winning.

So don´t waste your future giving up. Don´t lose the opportunity of making your life a great life. The future is yours if you never surrender.

Make your dreams true by not giving up. NEVER.

When you persevere you will also know why you are here and what to do with your life. A strange and powerful clarity will appear.

Then all will have sense. And good-bye failure.

And while you persevere take care of this:

The Trap of the “advice from friends”

Beware the dream thieves.

Remember being a child an imagining all the time? Children have the skill of dreaming big goals. But then they change and lose that spark.

So be different.

To be a genius maintain your enthusiasm whatever they say.

Get politely away from friends that don´t support change in your life.

Because many will get envious. Your motivation will condemn them. Since they don´t have it they will fear your changes. And they will subtly attack your attempts.

Take care because these dream thieves can be friends, teachers or close relatives.

And they aren´t bad persons. But they can do much pain. Since they lost their own dreams their negative attitude can destroy your plans.

So protect yourself. Never let them influence your thoughts. And take care because they will do it discretely. They will infect you with their negative energy slowly. With a commentary here and a sentence there.

But a commentary here and a sentence there is very dangerous.

This doesn´t mean you can´t share your dreams with others, because a good thing about dreams is sharing them. But avoid thieves. Only seek the company of creators, the positive ones.

The people near you will change your life in one direction or another.

Go with the pessimistic ones and they will drag you to their hell.

But go with supporting persons and your dreams will come true.

So from now on follow only the advice of successful people. Copy their actions. Simply copy. If you can´t meet them personally read their books. Don´t wait anymore.

How to become a genius?

First get rid of the non-supportive friends.

So again, your 1st key to turn into a genius is:

Believe you can… because you can.

Get excited about your new future

And if you have doubts, help yourself with the “Technique Of The Actor .”

Let me ask you a question:

Do you dare to act like your hero?

Disciplining yourself will be easy if you are your hero. People solved the most difficult situations once they see themselves in a movie.

Yes, a movie.

Many people couldn´t break an addiction. Their fear was too big. Speaking in public or building a big project was too imposing.

But everything changed once they sat down and imagined what the hero would do. And the more they saw that hero, the easier came the solution.

So do you dare to improve playing your own hero?

  • Imagine you a superstar that wakes up 90 minutes earlier.
  • Imagine you the hero that eats less and steals time to TV for bigger things.
  • Imagine you as the millionaire entrepreneur that manages his time better and builds his own business.

If you play a role, energy appears automatically. You are in a movie. And you go for bigger targets.

So simply copy.

Copy that perseverant cowboy, Chinese strategist or football player.

-How would you think?

-How would you act?

-What projects would you attack?

Immerse in that movie and you will gain the same power as the hero. If you see you like your favorite star, you will enter a state of “I can achieve it all.” And this is what will happen.

Do like good actors that don´t seem to act because they see themselves as their role model. Think constantly in the movie your life is. Your brain will obey your nervous system even if what you see is imagined.

Pursue big dreams and you will achieve many more

Several scientific tests demonstrate how people imagining a movement (without training), beat people who trained that movement physically without visualizing it.

That´s why top golf players also visualize their match.

That´s why Olympic gold winners see the detailed race before the victory. (Many even confessed after winning that they couldn´t recognize if the moment was true or imagined.)

So be the hero in the movie. Use the actor inside you.

How to become a genius is about choosing the role of a genius.

The redeemed hero who changes his life thanks to exercise...

The smart detective who discovers the traps...

The entrepreneur who builds an empire...

Or the snake charmer who wins allies...

You are in a movie. And it´s not a joke.




The Error You Won´t Do When Designing Your Future

2nd Key: The error everybody does designing his future

There are people who postpone systematically the important tasks and mortgage their future. But short term they feel good…

There are people that feel uncomfortable in a social act and decide not to lose a world of opportunities. But short term they feel good…

There are people who need to smoke even if they are killing themselves. But short term they feel good…

There are persons who overeat despite playing with their health. But again: short term they feel good.

It´s the short-term trap.

People want to escape from a grey life but fall into that trap. And they repeat bad habits despite the mortal danger.

And since they only seek being comfortably in the moment, they lose a brilliant future. It´s like jumping from a skyscraper, one meter before the ground you are still well…

But your possibilities are endless.

  • You can quit smoking.
  • You can overcome your biggest addiction.
  • You can eat less to be healthier.
  • You can think more to be smarter.
  • You can avoid procrastination and finish your biggest goal in 5 weeks…

But since short-term isn´t comfortable many continue with their bad habit.

Think long term

And the results couldn´t be worse.

Because if you look short term you will never have energy and be in a good-looking shape.

If you look short-term you will never wake up early and boost your productivity. If you look short-term you will never stop watching TV and build your dreams.

But short-term kills.

People repeat bad habits despite their mortal danger

So are you going to be a slave of junk food, procrastination and fear the rest of your life?

Will you let cigarettes, lack of concentration and stress take the best of you?

Will you let bad habits kill your dreamed lifestyle?

Will you make success difficult?

Think: how many people you know feel good about themselves?

Not many.

Most want to feel good in the short term and have habits that, despite the results (bad results), made them feel good short term.

But to avoid disk detect YOUR #1 ENEMY

And your #1 Enemy is staying “at home.”

Do you know why you continue with your bad habits?

Because it´s like being at home.

And nothing like home, sweet home.

Don´t let bad habits kill your dreamed lifestyle

Everybody speaks about how wonderful it is if you stay at home. Advertising bombards you with the warmth of not trying something new. You deserve it! And your friends and co-workers also say that nothing like the old way…

But they lie.

Your home can be a horrible place. Even if you feel secure.

Your home can be a prison of laziness.

So is your actual home your final personality or is it a fragile construction that prevents you from growing?

Because many people build their personal philosophy like their home, to protect themselves from the world. And they are in such a hurry to hide themselves, that they build that house too poorly.

But to succeed you must move to another home.

If you want to move to your new habits home fast these videos will help you:

It´s challenging at the beginning. We think that successful people achieved it without pain. And media also makes big business with cases of people taking advantage of shortcuts of the system.

But no.

They don´t tell the whole story.

You must escape from your comfort zone.

John Lennon or Einstein didn´t stay comfortably in their old home. They went out so much as necessary to develop their talent.

Despite being crushed by his teachers Einstein didn´t stay at home.

And the Beatles continue trying after being rejected by all the record labels.

But now the good news:

After the initial effort of moving to a new home, your new habits will make everything easy. And you will succeed.

I realized years ago that I had to move to another home. How to become a genius if bad habits are limiting you?

My habits turned my life into a disaster and I needed a better neighborhood.

But the moment I moved from my comfortable home and changed habits, everything improved.

I changed my food and the food of my brain with good books and new friends.

And I moved to that new house little by little. One step at a time I changed old habits with new ones.

And success came.

If it don´t gives results instantly you are in the right track

So to move to a better home FIRST decide where you want to go. Be ambitious. And from there design the master plan for your new house.

But beware. Since you were a child they spoke to you about limitations:

“Nothing like the old way,”

“Nothing like home…”

So better know the truth, nothing big is achieved comfortably at home. (Here is the solution to eliminate your fears.)

But once you move you will only find abundance. All who moved succeeded.


Avoid the Mental Strike

Did you know there is an invisible trap called “mental strike”?

I´m sure you have those moments… despite your efforts, nothing works.

“I´m tired of struggling for nothing!” you say.

But don´t quit.

Please don´t quit.

3rd Key: How to eliminate your mental strike

This is your most important moment.

You will go very far if you continue despite not seeing improvements. In those moments where you persevere without results, you are progressing more than ever.

You aren´t stuck. It´s the process. Pure self-growth. Progress is not linear. You try something, you get some victory, you get more skilled, your mind is in full power mode… but suddenly nothing clicks.

You are not stuck. Progress is not lineal

Time for your brain to get organized. There comes a time where even after complete days of work, you can´t take off.

It´s the mental strike. And you think you are stuck.

And you get demoralized.

But you are doing great if you continue in the storm.

Getting results will be a matter of days. So overcome the mental strike. Life consists of ups and downs. And there is a reason: you need to reassemble the new pieces. It´s part of the process.

Most people quit because they don´t see improvements during this reassembling time. But better for you.

Persevere and you will eliminate all your competitors

So simply recognize that when things don´t click it´s your mind organizing the pieces of information.

And you will eliminate all your competitors if you persevere at that moment.

If you continue in the storm you will get results

So be smarter. You are getting wiser and stronger if you persist. You are creating deep roots for your skills. You are progressing much more than beginners who got their first victory but abandoned after an obstacle. You are at a higher level. Refining the refinement.

You are in the necessary bump to reassemble the new pieces.

Other times you will slow down instead of getting stuck.

But you are also progressing.

If you go from 300 km/hour to 120 km/hour you think you fail. But you are still progressing. It´s a recovering period. (And people will still see you at 300 km/hour).

Understand that getting stuck is part of success.

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First victories will boost your morale, but then reassembling moments will come. You will even lose easy games you didn’t lose before.

But it´s your mind reorganizing your skills. Your motor is full throttle.

So persevere if you are stuck, because you are accumulating knowledge. And mental power.

Persevere and you will eliminate all your competitors

Only the good ones continue after getting stuck. So persist in your goal and you will succeed.




Get Tons of Discipline to Achieve Your Big Goal

4th Key: Adopt very new habit you need

You must know something.

Your bad habits are not inherited. Nobody was born as a procrastinator. Nobody was born eating compulsively. Nobody was born with fear to achieve their goal.

Your indiscipline of today is a learned behavior. It´s not a natural way of acting. How to become a genius without discipline? It´s impossible.

People were taught to accept authority to give up their personal power. So someone (envious) said you hadn´t enough self-discipline and now you think you can´t change.

Avoid that trap.

You are much better. You can become more intelligent. You can persevere much more.

If you decide to reach your biggest goals, you can. You can program your mind to be self-disciplined.

You choose. And you can choose to achieve everything.


…you can also choose indiscipline.

Choosing self-discipline is as easy as choosing indiscipline

You can choose temptations. It´s easy to see your important project and say “Today I will rest. But tomorrow… tomorrow will be a great day.”

Or you can choose a big business. It´s easy. But it´s also easy staying at home.

Or you can take a first step to make new relations. But you can also stay comfortably at home.

Or you can avoid interruptions. But you can accept that coffee-break.

So decide well. This is the hidden cause of your indiscipline. But once you know the cause, 50% of your problem is solved.

So choose better.

Choose discipline and you will always choose right. Always.

If you choose right you will turn an obstacle into a discipline builder.

Everyone can eliminate their bad habits… and also “become intelligent.” You can change your life. I mean really make something big. But therefore forget trendy New Year’s resolutions.

To be a super-achiever begin with discipline. Begin choosing well.

For example: To live your biggest dream simply begin today making your bed. To reach the highest mental pleasures simply begin today planning and thinking 15 minutes.

With little daily movements, you will be strong in the temptation and choose well. And so you will conquer all your goals. Every day a little effort until it becomes a habit. No big movements. How to become a genius is not about big changes. You can go step-by-step.

Plan 15 minutes daily and you will enjoy it

Nothing will be the same after internalizing your daily 30-minutes run, your 30-minutes of daily writing, or your 30-minutes of planning. In some months with these habits, you will aspire to everything.

And the admiration of others will be secondary…

Little steps better then Big movements

Imagine: from living overwhelmed to live a full life. From a grey environment, to travel the world visiting your office in New York, London, and Melbourne (and in your own plane.) From worrying, to meditate and find a sense in your life.

Self Discipline. This is the key

With self-discipline you can go from the worse neighborhood to make big deals with three-piece-suited executives.

You will feel great. You will win self-confidence for higher goals. You will be the person that makes others turn around subtly when they notice you.

Imagine living the life you choose. With self-discipline everything is possible. The life you choose and the people you choose. It´s the fastest way to happiness and also the fastest answer to how to become a genius.

One extra benefit of discipline

I´ve studied success. I´ve analyzed what do you need to get a better business, set goals, make money, overcome negativity, succeed as an entrepreneur, lose weight, win friends, or increase productivity.

Pursue your biggest goals

This is part of what you can achieve with self-discipline. Some of this in the very short term::

  • Win more money (with the same hours working)
  • Learn to say “No”
  • Stop overeating
  • Get organized
  • Sleep well
  • Control your anger
  • Stop smoking
  • Stop postponing
  • Set priorities
  • Build a personal brand
  • Stop hurting yourself blaming others
  • Stop drinking
  • Stop falling in gossip and envy-traps
  • Plan more
  • Save time
  • Elimínate preoccupation
  • Finish the big projects you now see as impossible
  • Save money

Everybody who has a good career said that the key to achieving their big goal was self-discipline.

Self-discipline is the real power. Also the answer to how to become a genius. Other skills like reading, planning or concentrating will come automatically with self-discipline.


Know EXACTLY What You Want In Life

Know exactly what you want in life

Do you know the underlying template of successful people


Ok. Now that thing of having goals…

You´ve heard it a hundred times. A classic chapter in self-improvement.

But it continues outperforming every other skill.

The old fashioned having goals works.

Successful people follow an underlying template: goals. Simply having them. So do the same.

Don´t try to be original.

Only goals will save you.

Even if you work in the worst place or hate your personal relations. Design your goals and an emerging force will solve any obstacle.

If life isn´t as you like, do you know who is responsible? It´s due to your lack of goals.

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So don´t fall into the trap of blaming others. How to become a genius if you lose time focusing on others?

Your neighbors, the politicians, or you mean colleagues aren´t the enemy. The only who can get up off the chair and act is YOU with your inspiring goals.

And now let me ask you the vital question.

5th Key: Ask the vital question

Are you committed to change your life? Or is it only an idea?

If you think in the classic I-will-do-that- thing-of-designing-my goals-when-I-have-more-time, change your mind. You need something more solid. Something to remain strong in the storm.

And therefore you need big objectives.

But it must be your objectives, never those of others.

Forget the sales targets from your company. Only with your own financial and personal goals, you will program your subconscious mind right and change your life.

Forget the advice from friends and family

With specific objectives, you will have an edge over everybody, because people never use the power of goals. (Your competitors won´t be so motivated to progress because they don´t have big goals.)

But this won´t happen to you. Since the secret of life is loving what you do, if you have targets to push you up you will have a reason to live. Getting closer to your goals will give you energy.

And better, you will enjoy the moment. No more upsets, all that happens (even the obstacles) will serve to your goals.

So every minute you invest in thinking on health, home, travels, entrepreneurial conquests, or relations you want, will charge your batteries. How to become a genius? Spending more time in thinking what you want.

Otherwise how to become a genius without something empowering yourself? You need goals. Goals are your fuel.


The Power of MINI Steps

I found a strategy to achieve my objectives 8 years ago. I was astonished by their power.

And you will too.

But first a question:

Do you agonize every day returning home from a job you hate?

I was there. I remember my desperation in a painful $7 per hour job in a grey office. How could I escape from that nightmare? Was there still hope for me?

And after one terrible day struggling without results it happened. I decided to find out the key to succeed. I would find it or die.

So with my last not canceled credit card, I bought all productivity and improvement books I could.

And in my free time and weekends I read them. It was not easy! But I continued.

What did successful people differently? I asked myself permanently. There had to be a key.

And I found some advices more effective than others.

Until I found the real difference. I found the 2 Keys to succeed.

And thanks to them I began to produce more and take wiser decisions.

And surprise, surprise…

I finished my 2 biggest projects.

I began to earn more. Some dollars here and an extra earning there. And I kept growing. And my money also.

Because I had the 2 keys. And the #1 key was:

Establish priorities… and posteriorities!

Unimportant tasks grow and turn into an avalanche. How to become a genius if you lose your time in secondary tasks? So forget them. Even if they look easy. Don´t let them seduce you.

Dedicate only to your most important task until you finish it. This is what high achievers do.

I think you´ve heard this before. The question is… what´s the system to do the important things... consistently?

And here comes the 2nd key, the way to achieve BIG goals is:


I will explain...

KAIZEN is the skill to improve CONTINUOUSLY your life and produce more. So that even on the bad days you progress.

Every day closer to your goals and more skilled. With KAIZEN you improve your life fast. No matter what happens, every day is a big advance.

Every day you are more productive.

Every day you make better contacts.

Every day you get more self-confident.

Every day you win more money.

Try it and in less than 3 weeks your growth will be insane.

And without effort.

KAIZEN will be your guide, you will know what to do and what not. With whom to deal and with whom not.

But take care: KAIZEN will improve your life continuously. But there is a wrong way to do it. For example “Trying to do everything” is a disaster that is slowing your life down. In case you want the best personal productivity system here it is.

These last 2 keys are not for all. They are designed only for the ones who seek a serious system to achieve great projects and overtake competitors. There you will also discover how Kaizen will change your life.

If you search a system to sit comfortably and do NOTHING, this isn´t for you.

Do nothing and you will get nothing.

But if you want to know how to become a genius, use this advice and your business or career will boost. And then it will run by itself like a clock.

Will you do whatever necessary to achieve your dreams

If you want more easy tips to change your life fast, see these videos:


With these 5 Keys you will achieve what you want. You can turn into a genius if you persist.

The 5 Steps to become a genius

KEY 1: BELIEVE in yourself

KEY 2: Think always LONG TERM

KEY 3: Avoid the "STRIKE

KEY 4: Design BIG GOALS (very specific for YOU)

KEY 5: Use KAIZEN: Take little steps, but every day

Begin today to use these keys. Plan a bigger future. For example, design an ambitious plan to duplicate your knowledge and vocabulary in six months.

Or try to duplicate your friends.

Or your earnings.

Make it big. Your mind can give you all if you think it´s possible.

You can program yourself for every goal you want. No idea appeared “by luck.” So take advantage of your billions of cells!

Because you can turn into a genius!

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